6 Parcel Shipping Trends for 2022

2021年对航运业来说是疯狂的一年,但这一旅程还没有结束. Ongoing  supply chain issues are creating huge challenges for parcel shipping. For instance, with the rise of e-commerce, consumers are buying more but expecting faster delivery, as well as returning more items. On top of that, 长期以来备受信赖的准时制库存战略正面临考验,供应商无法满足产品需求. 货舱需求巨大,而司机短缺却处于历史最高水平. 所有这些都推动了航运价格的上涨,中小企业(smb)争相寻找航运公司来运送他们的货物.

It sounds like a lot and it is. What’s an SMB to do? Don’t worry, we’ve got you! These shipping trends present some challenges, 但如果你有合适的技术和合作伙伴,也会有巨大的机会.

我们是来帮你充分利用这个充满挑战的局面的. Here are the top 6 trends of 2022 for parcel shipping, and our recommendations for coping and conquering.

Trend 1: “Just-in-time” can now often mean “out of time”

几十年来,准时制(JIT)供应链管理一直是库存优化的主要内容. It keeps inventories lower and profitability higher. In the wake of the pandemic, however, 即时库存过程变成了一个不紧密的库存问题. 中小企业正忙于满足需求和处理仓库空间问题, causing big restructuring to supply chain management.

用离客户更近的多个微型仓库取代位于中心的存储设施可能是一个聪明的主意. 通过第三方物流(3PL)提供商,如全球最大的正规博彩平台,您可以利用一个复杂的 transportation management system (TMS) to tie together shipping operations at all your facilities. This will give you a beautiful, bird’s eye view of your total supply chain operations, 以及全球最大的正规博彩平台航运专业人员的按需专业知识.

Trend 2: Inflation is inching upward

长期以来,通胀一直是中小企业和消费者并不真正担心的问题. 然而,它在2022年卷土重来,一些专家认为它将持续到明年. 这一轮通胀的核心原因之一是持续存在的供应链问题. 中小企业和他们的客户都感受到了通货膨胀带来的痛苦, as costs are rising for everyone.

There is good news from a shipping perspective, though. 较高的消费价格可能会减缓消费,这最终将有助于降低航运价格. As you wait out the worst of inflation’s sting, 现在是重新评估你的包裹运输花费和发送习惯的好时机. 仔细检查哪些服务是你绝对需要满足客户的,哪些是可以取消的. 全球最大的正规博彩平台的航运专家团队很乐意提供免费的免承诺服务 assessment of all your shipping processes.

Trend 3: Peak season is becoming all-season

Not so long ago, 每年的最后一个季度被认为是航运旺季, and SMBs had the first few months of the new year to recuperate. 混乱的供应链和各种持续的短缺, peak season is becoming a year-round phenomenon. 到2022年,消费者支出将继续增长,即使大多数产品的价格都将上涨. And the trend of holiday shopping in July will only get stronger.

明智的托运人正在积极主动地适应旺季的激增. 评估2022年的运输高峰准备日程,不要等到秋天才回顾你的计划 parcel shipping services. 像全球最大的正规博彩平台这样值得信赖的第三方物流合作伙伴也可以帮助您制定运输策略, forecast peak pricing and plan for capacity issues.

Trend 4: E-commerce is accelerating

随着在家办公的激增,在家订餐也出现了激增. 电子商务的繁荣可能是不可避免的,但疫情大大加速了这种繁荣. Accompanying the rise in online shopping are inventory shortages, increased returns and trickier shipment management.

聪明的中小企业正在调整他们的商业策略,以适应这种新的消费者习惯. 从改善你网站的在线购物体验到完善你的退货流程, 有许多方法可以将电子商务作为一种令人兴奋的方式来建立您的业务. 全球最大的正规博彩平台提供无缝的电子商务解决方案,帮助您简化业务流程. 皇冠体育,了解如何组织您的电子商务航运,并获得最优惠的价格.

Trend 5: Reverse logistics on the rise

随着网上购物的增加,出现了一个不那么有趣的趋势:更高的回报率. In 2021, 购物者预计会退回30%到40%的网上购物, and that trend isn’t expected to slow down in 2022. If you sell to big box retailers or other resellers, 你很可能会看到退货是通过逆向物流过程寄给你的. 在您的B2B交易中,您可能会收到退回修理或翻新的物品.

The solution here is to create or improve your own reverse logistics strategy. 全球最大的正规博彩平台的专家可以帮助您确定产品的生命周期,并确定每一步的价值所在. 许多中小企业对他们能从退货中挤出多少钱感到惊讶!

Trend 6: 3PLs become more vital than ever

When the logistics industry is hit hard, logistics gets smarter. In 2022, 您可以期待第三方物流供应商的自主包装处理,以帮助托运人准确地为其产品选择合适尺寸的包装. 来自第三方物流的算法也帮助中小企业获得最准确和最具竞争力的报价. 这些创新对于电子商务运输和活动不断增长的企业尤其有用.

有一个简单的方法可以利用最好的第三方物流的力量和伙伴关系:只要问! 全球最大的正规博彩平台的航运专业人士渴望展示我们的TMS技术如何为您的业务带来效率和成本节约. Guesswork, weight issues, insurance concerns, and unnecessary surcharges can become a thing of the past!

2022 is the time to power up your parcel shipping

No one can predict how long supply chain issues will last. The best way to cope with these ongoing trends is to be smarter, more proactive and get the right 3PL partner in your corner.

In unpredictable times, 像全球最大的正规博彩平台这样的第三方物流合作伙伴坚如磐石的可靠性是无价的. Shipping trends come and go, 但我们作为您全天候可信赖的航运顾问的承诺永远不会改变.

Reach out for your free, top-to-bottom shipping consultation today, and set your SMB up for success through 2022 and beyond!

Last Updated 2/18/22



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